16 Situations Where Speaking to a Psychologist Will Help You Progress

6 Dec ‘21
4 min
Lisanne van Marrewijk
illustratie van vrouw die via laptop aan het parten is met een psycholoog

In general, people are quite reluctant to speak to a psychologist. We end up asking ourselves if the feelings, thoughts and emotions we’re dealing with are really ‘enough’ to warrant a trip to a psychologist and often dismiss the idea. Meanwhile, as far as psychologists are concerned, it’s always a good time to schedule a consultation. Whether you’re feeling stuck in a rut or things are going well for you, speaking to a psychologist has a wide range of benefits.


Speaking to a psychologist


You can speak to a psychologist at any time and it will always help you to make progress in your life. We’ve put together a list of reasons why people come to us, because there are many situations where it helps to have a psychologist’s input and support as you try to develop as a person.


1. If you’re curious or feel that you would benefit from it


Sometimes you can’t quite figure out which of your thoughts and feelings are bothering you, but you know you’d like some help bringing them to the surface. If you’re feeling this way – even if you can’t put your thoughts and feelings into words – a psychologist can help you to figure out what is going on and what you can do about it.


2. If you keep putting off tasks


Procrastination is very normal, but it can be quite frustrating. A psychologist can help you to focus, plan better, and tackle your procrastination behavior.


3. If you want to live a healthier life


Living a healthy lifestyle affects how you feel mentally. Nutrition and exercise are essential ingredients for a healthy mind. So, where do you begin? Which factors can you control? And how can you maintain your healthy lifestyle?


4. If you want to set better boundaries


“By setting boundaries, you’re honestly letting the other person know whether or not you’ve got the time and energy to invest in something. This makes it easier for you to live your values and take better care of yourself,” explains psychologist Jan Helder.


Some people are better at doing this than others. “We all want to please other people,” says Jan. A psychologist can help you to set better boundaries.


Read more: How Can You Get Better at Setting Boundaries?


5. If things aren’t going well in your relationships or friendships


Whether they are with your partner, family, friends or colleagues, your relationships are important for your mental health and have a profound impact on your level of happiness. Maybe you feel like your manager doesn’t take you seriously or you’re struggling to trust people – a psychologist can help you to improve your relationships.


6. If you want help making a big decision


Not everyone is great at making decisions. Particularly if it’s a big decision, it might feel like too much responsibility. A psychologist can help you to get a better understanding of the situation and options, so that you can come to a good decision.


7. If you want to incorporate more rest into your life


Our lives are busy and we often flit from one thing to another. Often this stops us from living in the moment, being present, and getting enough rest. A psychologist can help you to incorporate more rest into your daily life. Not only will this prevent stress, but it will make you more resilient in stressful situations and help you to experience more enjoyment in your life.


Tip: Book a mindfulness consultation to help you navigate your life in a playful way with more rest and awareness, and less agitation.


8. If you are worried or stressed


Stress isn’t always a bad thing. You need a certain amount of stress in order to be able to function properly. Healthy stress is the tension you feel before an exam, performance, job interview, deadline or other nerve-wracking event.


In addition to worries, are you also experiencing physical symptoms, such as a consistently raised heart rate, pressure on your chest, or trouble sleeping? This is usually a sign that you are experiencing too much stress. Talking to a psychologist will help you if, for example, you’ve noticed that you can’t enjoy your free time, or that you’re worried about the future.


9. If you’re looking for more balance in your life


Every day, there are a lot of things we need to do: Work, exercise, being there for our children, or doing fun things with our friends. But we don’t need to be productive all the time or to try be everywhere. More importantly: That isn’t possible, especially not in the long run. There’s a good chance that many of these activities will cost you more energy than they generate. And, as a result, you’ll burn out. Finding a good balance between exertion and relaxation will help you to organize your life differently.


10. If you’re sleeping badly (or worse)


Sleep is the time when your body recovers, both physically and mentally. It processes all the day’s events and prepares for a new one.


There could be many reasons why you’re sleeping badly, but whatever the cause, it will most likely interfere with your daily activities. Fortunately, in most cases there are a lot of ways you can tackle it. A psychologist can help you to create a routine and improve your sleep.


👉 Do you have a question for our psychologists? Book a no-obligation introductory session.


11. If you want to improve your self-confidence


The way we see ourselves varies from day to day, but it’s good if our self-image is predominantly positive. It makes you feel secure and you’re able to be the best version of yourself. Everyone feels insecure sometimes. Do you feel like your insecurities are holding you back, or do you constantly feel like you’re not good enough? Taking to a psychologist can give you some insight into how to be more confident in your life.


12. If you feel sad


Your emotions fluctuate from day to day and moment to moment. You’ll feel sad sometimes and that’s totally normal. Think of it as something separate from who you are and remember that there’s no difference between the you that’s sad at the moment and a happier version of yourself. You’re always the same person. A psychologist can help you to view your thoughts in a detached way and accept that it’s normal to feel sad sometimes.


13. If you’re looking for more meaning in your work


We spend a large part of our lives at work. So, it needs to be a nice place where we can do something meaningful. Do you feel connected to what you do, supported by your colleagues, and proud of your accomplishments? Job satisfaction has a positive impact on your mental wellbeing. Giving your all means that have more energy and allows you to be the best version of yourself.


14. If you want to understand yourself better


Sometimes your consultation with a psychologist isn’t related to any specific struggle or challenge. If you want to understand yourself better, a psychologist can help you to reflect back on different situations. They’ll act as a mirror to your behavior and ask you further questions where necessary. Self-reflection is not always easy. We all have blind spots and a psychologist can support us through this.


15. If you’re trying to set goals but struggling to figure out what matters to you


Having a goal or a (meaningful) job that suits your personality is good for your mental health. But how are you supposed to know what would suit you or make you happy? And how do you pursue those ideals? Speaking to a psychologist can help you to figure out what makes you happy and what’s important to you.


16. If you want to be the best version of yourself


There doesn’t need to be any obvious reason for you to talk to a psychologist. If you feel good, a psychologist might encourage you, for example, to engage in certain activities or help you to look at things from a different perspective.


Also take a look: Talking about Your Feelings and Emotions Is Good for You – and This Is How To Do It


Think of it as a periodic check-in


“It’s perfectly normal to go to the dentist once or twice a year,” explains Jochem Bukman, a psychologist at OpenUp. “But when you ask people what they’d rather have: holes in their teeth or feelings of depression, most people choose the toothache,” he continues.


“But it’s still much less common to go and see a psychologist. In my opinion, a periodic check-in with a psychologist is one of the most fundamental forms of healthcare, and you don’t need a better reason than that.”


👉 Book your first consultation with one of your psychologists.