Prevent Burnout in Your Team

Addressing work stress and promoting well-being (video)

Burnout causes long-term symptoms and can therefore have a major impact on someone’s private life, their performance and, by extension, on other colleagues. To prevent escalation, keeping an eye on your team members’ stress levels is essential. 


How do you find out about your team’s current stress levels? In this module, we explore an effective method.

The importance of checking in

🚦 A short recap


By regularly checking-in, you can find out what is going on with your team – both in life, and at work. You learn to understand what each person’s stressors are, so you can take action to counter that stress.

Tips for checking in:
  • Be a role model – don’t be afraid to share what’s on your mind
  • Ask open-ended questions
  • Use the the traffic light system to help explain the process🚦
  • Engage in active listening

Pro tip!
Also make room for some motivating words: share compliments, or ask your team what they are proud of.





Do you regularly check-in with your team and ask them how they are doing? If not, think about how you can make a regular check-in a core part of your company culture. 


1. What is a good time to have the check-in? And what do you think is the best frequency for your team?

It could be during a face-to-face meeting, in a team meeting, several times a week, or once every two weeks.


2. Decide the best way to take note of how each of your team members is doing 

It can be the HR tool you use, a simple document, or a short (anonymous) questionnaire. Be sure to keep confidentiality in mind.



A tip for check-ins with your whole team 💡 Does anyone share doubts, concerns or challenges? Ask your team members to help think of practical solutions, and brainstorm about them together.