Leading with Self-Confidence

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome For Enhanced Work Performance (downloadable)

What is imposter syndrome? 

Imposter syndrome is a common psychological phenomenon, in which individuals doubt their abilities and fear being exposed as a “fraud”. It goes hand in hand with feelings of insecurity and a persistent belief that one’s success is the result of luck rather than their own qualities. Despite their achievements, individuals who experience imposter syndrome often feel like they don’t deserve their success.

Common signs of imposter syndrome include:


• Beating yourself up for even minor mistakes

• Constantly perceiving yourself as unworthy of your position

• Being unable to accept praise or compliments

• Neglecting self-care because work is consuming your headspace

👩🏽‍💼 Imposter syndrome in leadership roles 


Although imposter syndrome can affect anyone, it is particularly prevalent in leadership roles. Imposter syndrome is much more far-reaching when you are expected to lead and guide other people. Early-stage leaders—such as those who recently got promoted to leadership positions—are more likely to suffer from imposter syndrome due to the higher stakes of role changes.

📰 A Harvard Business Review article revealed that:


• 58% of leaders experienced imposter syndrome at some point in their careers.

• Among C-suite executives, 70% acknowledged imposter syndrome as a challenge in their careers.

• Women in leadership roles are often disproportionately affected, with 75% experiencing imposter syndrome.


With the right tools and strategies, you can diminish overwhelming feelings of imposter syndrome. Let’s learn more below. ⬇️

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Strategies For Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

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