Mastering Mindful Feedback as a Manager

Fostering a Mindful Feedback Culture in The Workplace (video)

Before we dig into the process of creating a feedback culture, let’s first take a look at what mindful feedback looks like.

The Key Ingredients of Mindful Feedback

In the following video, Willemijn explores the key ingredients that make up mindful feedback: 

🔁 The Importance of a Continuous Feedback Loop


A healthy feedback culture is one where feedback is the norm rather than a signal that something is wrong. This can be achieved via a continuous feedback loop: the practice of sharing regular, constructive feedback through ongoing and structured conversations between managers and employees.

Gallup has found that when managers provide weekly (vs. annual) feedback, team members are:


✅ x 5.2 more likely to strongly agree that they receive meaningful feedback

✅ x 3.2 more likely to strongly agree they are motivated to do outstanding work

✅ x 2.7 more likely to be engaged at work

To achieve long-lasting results, aim for continuous feedback that is timely, concrete, and specific. Set specific times during the week for feedback sessions, use reminders, and engage in regular discussions with team members for support.



📈 Providing Positive Feedback


An essential component of mastering mindful feedback includes positive feedback. This includes recognising and acknowledging the good you see in other people, processes, and your team – and doing so continuously


Positive feedback helps employees feel confident and more appreciated, which helps them do a better job. In turn, positive feedback builds trust, high morale, and overall workplace mental well-being; all leading to stronger retention.


✍🏾 Time to practise! 


Think about a time when you provided positive feedback to one of your team members. Next, write down your experience by reflecting on the following questions: 


• What specific accomplishments or behaviours did you acknowledge? 

• How did they react to the positive feedback? 

• Did you notice any immediate changes in their attitude or performance?

• How did this feedback impact their motivation and morale?


Once you have thought about your answers, take some time to understand how you can apply these insights to your next feedback session. 


👉🏾 In our next lesson, we’ll discuss a hands-on model that you can use to guide your next feedback conversation mindfully.