Surfing the Waves of Change

Building Resilience in Challenging Times (video)

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to handle life’s challenges with ease, while others crumble under the weight of the smallest setback? Varying degrees of resilience (or a lack thereof) is often the answer. 


While certain factors make some individuals more resilient than others, resilience isn’t necessarily a personality trait that only some people possess. On the contrary, resilience involves behaviours, thoughts, and actions that you  can learn and develop.

Learn More About Resilience With Psychologist Kim Schlüter


In the following video, OpenUp psychologist Kim explains: 

• The definition of resilience and why it’s crucial, particularly when dealing with change.  

• How resilience is a skill that can be developed and strengthened overtime. 

• How resilience can help you face challenges head-on and handle them more effectively.

How Can You Build Your Resilience And Become Better at Facing Changes?

Take care of your basic needs

Prioritising positive lifestyle factors such as nutrition, adequate sleep, hydration, and regular exercise can strengthen your body and mind to adapt to change and reduce emotional burdens. 

Stay connected

Social support is a powerful tool for building resilience. Reach out to friends, family members, or a well-being expert for emotional support.  Research groups in your area that could offer you a sense of community, particularly through times of change. 

Stick to a routine

During change, it can be comforting to maintain a sense of normalcy. Try to establish a routine that works for you, and make sure to include at least three activities each day that enhance your mental and physical well-being.

Set small goals

Break down your bigger goals into bite-sized tasks, and create a plan of action for every day. For example, if you’re navigating a big life change such as moving to a new city, you could break it down into smaller tasks such as researching neighbourhoods, finding a job or apartment, and meeting new people through local events or activities.

Learn from your experiences

Reflect on past challenges and identify what worked and what didn’t. This can help you develop better-coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills for future challenges.

In the next lesson, we’ll explore embracing change with positive thinking and a healthy mindset.