Surfing the Waves of Change

Understanding the Dynamics of Change (video)

If the Only Constant in Life is Change, Why is it So Difficult?


Our brains are wired to seek familiarity and routine. Habits can bring us a sense of comfort and security, reduce stress, and even release dopamine – the feel-good neurotransmitter. When faced with change, our brains have to work overtime to process information and make decisions. 


Let’s learn more below 👇

Tips from Psychologist Kim Schlüter


In the following video, psychologist Kim Schlüter explains: 

• How our routines reduce stress and create a mental safety net, making change more difficult. 

• What happens within our brains when we are faced with change. 

• How resisting change is not a sign of weakness; it’s your brain’s natural tendency.

• Why approaching resistance to change with self-compassion is important.

Now that we’ve explored what happens within our brains during changes, let’s look at how our emotions react. 👇🏾



🎢 The Change Curve: A Roller Coaster of Emotions


Although we all react differently to change, research shows a predictable pattern of emotions called the Change Curve, consisting of five stages: shock, resistance, exploration, acceptance, and integration. Progression through these stages is rarely linear; we may get stuck in one stage or fluctuate. Remember, this is all part of the process.


🛣️ Adapting to Change: It’s a Process, Not a Race


We often feel pressure to adapt quickly to change, but remember, change is non-linear. Taking the time to slow down and reflect can be a valuable part of the change process. By reflecting on change, we can gain insight into our values, priorities, and goals, and make more informed decisions.  


In our next lesson, we will explore how you can build resilience to adapt to change through challenging times.