Mastering Emotional Self-Regulation

Emotional recognition (video)

In the previous lesson, we discovered that emotions serve as our personal messengers. In this lesson, psychologist Paul Hessels will guide us in recognising our emotions to better understand the messages they convey.

💡 Key takeaways: 3 steps to understanding your emotions better 


🏷️ Label Your Emotions: Give a specific name to each emotion you experience. Try to be specific; go beyond “sad” or “angry”. If you need more help, you can use the emotions wheel (below) to expand your emotional vocabulary. 


✔️ Extra Tip: Avoid labelling your emotions as “positive” or “negative.” Doing so can lead to unwarranted expectations and might encourage you to suppress what you’re feeling, leaving you unable to listen to your emotion’s message. 


🌡️ Measure Their Intensity: Rate the intensity of your emotions on a scale of 0 to 10 or visualise a thermometer to gauge how strongly you feel them.


🫁 Notice Body Sensations: Pay attention to how your emotions manifest in your body, as this will help you recognise them quickly in the future.


Downloadable Resource: The Emotions Wheel

Use the Emotions Wheel to expand your emotional vocabulary and enhance your ability to recognise and articulate your feelings effectively.