Maritha van Amerom

Self-confidence Stress and anxiety Lifestyle Mindfulness
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Maritha is a psychologist at OpenUp.

You are unique. So is your journey and your skill set. Together, in a safe space, you explore your experiences and discover a workable way to move forward.

Originally from South Africa, Maritha holds a master’s degree in Human Resources and Organization Psychology. She is also a professional artist.

With more than 20 years of experience in the fields of coaching, creativity, personal development, diversity- and change management, she knows that no two people are the same.

Maritha uses her unique combination of training and experience to help you look at your reality through a different lens. She likes to work with principles of positive psychology and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Maritha finds inspiration in nature and all forms of creative actions, including drawing and photography. It is not what you look at it is what you see.

"What are your unique qualities and how can you use them moving forward? I would love to be part of your journey!"